The 2nd part of the heading is 'easy', the first part is a bit more 'abstract' to get your head round!
The mole concept is an invaluable way of solving many quantitative problems in chemistry!
Its a very important way of doing chemical calculations!
The theoretical basis is explained in section (b).
The atomic/formula mass in grams = one mole of the defined substance.If your are dealing with individual atoms, one mole of equals the relative atomic mass in grams.This can be expressed as a simple formula ...
moles of species = (actual mass of species in g) / (atomic/formula mass of species)
mass of species in g = moles species x atomic/formula mass of speciestherefore (using triangle on right if necessary)
atomic/formula mass of species = mass of species in g / moles of species
Note these equations are for either an element or a compound,but, whatever, you must clearly define the chemical species you mean for any mole calculation e.g.Al metal element atom, H2O covalent molecule, an element O2 molecule, Na+Cl- ionic compound or just any compound formula like CuSO4 etc. etc.This specificity cannot be overemphasised.
Mr is 'shorthand' for relative formula mass or molecular mass in amu (atomic mass units) and you must be able to work these out correctly from a given formula (Calculating relative formula/molecular mass of a compound or element molecule).
The term relative molecular mass (sum of the atomic masses of the atoms in a single molecule of the substance) is usually applied to definite molecular species.
Using the following atomic masses: H = 1, O = 16, N = 14, C = 12, Na = 23, Cl = 35.5, S = 32and the three formulae above relating moles, mass and formula mass ...molecular mass 18 for the water molecule H2O, 17 for the ammonia molecule NH3so 1 mole of water is 18g, 0.333 mole = 0.333 x 18 = 6gfor ammonia 1mol = 17g, 34g = 34/17 = 2 mols ammonia
16 for the methane molecule CH4 and 180 for the glucose sugar molecule C6H12O6
so 0.5 mol methane = 0.5 x 16 8g, 72g = 72/16 = 4.5 mols methanefor glucose 18g = 18/180 = 0.10 moles, 0.05 mole = 0.05 x 180 = 9.0g glucose
the element nitrogen consists of N2 molecules, molar mass = 28g, 0.25 moles = 0.25 x 28 = 7.0g
So, these calculations are quite simple, but they are often just one part of solving a more complex problem.
The term relative formula mass (sum of the atomic masses of the atoms in a specified formula) can be used for ANY specified formula of ANY chemical substance, though it is most often applied to ionic substances.
e.g. mass of 1 mole of ionic sodium chloride NaCl or Na+Cl- is 58.5g (from 23 + 35.5)mass of 1 mole of ammonium sulfate (ionic salt) (NH4)2SO4 or (NH4+)2(SO42-) = 130g
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